Thursday, April 25, 2013

99 cents Dark/Epic Fantasy series for the Kindle and the Nook...

Hello all!  I'm excited to share the news that each ebook within my five volume dark/epic fantasy series, "Guardian of the Seventh Realm," will be only 99 cents this weekend, April 27th and 28th, for the amazon kindle, barnes & nobles nook, and the Whiskey Creek Press Publisher's site.

Please don't miss this opportunity and spread the word of my series!

Some excellent comments from the reviewers:

"A exciting, fun, adventurous, wondrous and magical read that is right up there with LOTR and GOT (I am a HUGE fan of both). As a matter of fact, if you are a LOTR or GOT fan I strongly recommend this book to you)."  ~A.R.Von, author of "Wunder"~

"This was an excellent intro into Dar's world. There are a huge array of interesting creatures, my favorite being the Nasharins themselves, that are vividly captivating and creative. The author has definitely gained a fan through this book, for it was very well written. I enjoyed my dip into this world and am eagerly anticipating the next book! Great Read!!"  ~Close Encounters with the Night Kind book review and blog site~

"In comparison to other books I have read in this genre and taking in consideration of this book's length, time-line and character numbers, this book could sit next to Lord of The Rings and Eragon, in their story telling fashion. I mean this as a compliment as these are some of my favorite fantasy series. The action and the battles fought remind me somewhat of Homer's Odyssey and Iliad. Again, the comparison is meant as a compliment and some of the best selling books that I have read and treasured over the years."  ~Cynthia Jones, the Wytch's Mirror blog site~

"Impressive debut fantasy series will keep you on the edge of your seat!
Tons of action, great plot, gripping writing style. Baccaro steps in to the fantasy/sci fi world and will hopefully go to the top! As Baccaro sets up the world between Humans and Nasharins and their enemy's the Cullach he doesn't overdo the details. You picture exactly what you need to, and it's not pages of boredom. As soon as you open the book you're in the world, he brings in the backstory as you go along, tossing fights and suspense in between. Well done!"  ~Seduced By Books blog site~

"Like the others, this book (Rise of the Guardian, Book 5), is packed with everything a reader can ask for, magic, action, adrenaline. Paranormal creatures, suspense. In short, it's awesome, like Hunger Games awesome. The more I read about Darshun, the more and more I love him. (I even tried to get my sister to name her son Darshun..she said no.) This series is a fabulous adult series. I've said it before if you like Terry Goodkind, you really should give these books a try. You can find them at Amazon and on Whiskey Creek Press. What are you waiting for, start reading them today!"  Moirae the Fates book reviews~

Thanks for reading!


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